Tuesday 21 August 2012


I have had such a struggle using blogger over the past weeks, and even before that when i was using it for a uni project. It kept crashing on me, and its just driving me mad so i've given up with it. I don't know what was causing the problem but i can't hack it anymore! So i have moved to WordPress instead, and will be carrying on my project there as well as moving over what i currently have on here! Come and find me at megansmadphotography.wordpress.com :)

Monday 13 August 2012

My Mother in the Garden

My mother was mid game with my niece in the front garden, so i took this picture of her out my bedroom window. Her plait and the purple top and her hat are things that are just so 'my mum' and will always remind me of her. Her garden is her creative outlet, and seeing her here surrounded by it in its lush green vibrancy seems almost comforting in a way.

My Sisters Bed

This used to be my Mothers bed, my mum and dad don't share a bed any more (still happily married, just more comfortable at night!) but my Sister moved home a little while ago and now she has this bed and my mum and dad are sharing again. Both my mum and sister suffer with depression and anxiety, so i think it's interesting how they have shared this space. Years ago it even used to be my room...

My Sister and my Niece

I can't decide if I think this image fits with the project or not. I like how it depicts the relationship between my Sister and her daughter. My niece is such a madam, standing with her arms behind her back like she's the boss - and don't we all know it!

Wednesday 8 August 2012

My Mother

The place where my Mother sits. Where she sits and smokes, drinks tea and thinks. Where she dozes and chats on the phone. Where she watches television and knits jumpers and dresses. Where she is herself. Where she is my Mother.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Me. My Room. My Space. My Sanctuary.

Project Brief

I have decided to embark on a photography project looking into the topic of mental illness and mental health. It is a topic that has had a lot of media coverage recently, from 'channel 4 goes mad' and their selection of documentaries on mental health and also more groups like 'Mind' and 'Rethink' become more popular and known about, challenging the stigma's attached to Mental Illness.

It's also for me, something close to home. The majority of my family suffer from mental illness such as depression, dementia and anxiety for a range of reasons from hereditary to environmental. Even I myself have been prescribed a course of anti depressants. Statistics reveal 1 in 4 people suffer from a mental illness, so it's more than likely that you too know someone who suffers. In fact the more I talk to my friends and people around me about the project, the more people reveal how they themselves or someone they know has a mental illness.

Therefore i think it would be a really interesting project to undergo, learning more about the topic as I talk to more people, and also learning more about the people. I want to focus on my family as each member deals with their situation differently, so it will be an eye opener for me too. My main aim is to not go anywhere near the cliche pictures of mental illness... not head in hands or teary eyes... These are real people, my family, and I want to portray them the way I see them and love them no matter what.